poor narrator, all he is trying do is shamelessly self promote the series. btw I really like the out fit, especially the jacket that he is wearing now.
I wonder what the characters do when the narrator takes over. Do they have a coffee break or something cause they obviously don’t freeze in time or anything. I can see the narrator cutting them off half sentence just walking in on the scene and start breaking fourth walls all over the place.
poor narrator, all he is trying do is shamelessly self promote the series. btw I really like the out fit, especially the jacket that he is wearing now.
I wonder what the characters do when the narrator takes over. Do they have a coffee break or something cause they obviously don’t freeze in time or anything. I can see the narrator cutting them off half sentence just walking in on the scene and start breaking fourth walls all over the place.
He really is quite destructive like that. In a metaphorical sense. Usually.