Even more comic goodness added at weshadows.com! This is the first full color page in any of the We Shadows series.
I have been doing a lot of experimenting with Photoshop since I started coloring Elfquest so I thought why not color my own stuff while trying these techniques?
The new technique I used on this page was utilizing the “color” layer. It was a challenge for me to work with in that the things I know about Phototshop I know very well. Generally, I know before I use an action what the result will be almost every time. The color layer is very different. I have no idea. But working with it combined with the “multiply” layer produces some pretty cool results. You can really see it in the background of panel 1 and in the green membrane engulfing Goat in panel 2. My friend Hanna says it kind of looks like watercolors only more vibrant. That’s a good way to describe it. Anyhow look for more experiments like this here (especially in Elfquest coloring downtime).
Now will this be in color in print? Possibly. I have found several print on demand places that might make that feasible. Stay tuned.
Her ears remind me of Lady Goat’s. Maybe LG inherited something recessive from her grandmother through Oberon?
Seems plausible
I am in love with your “sanity is the tuition for many worthy disciplines” line. Pretty much sums it all up.
Doesn’t it though? 🙂
I noticed Lady Goat is covered in some sort of mucous membrane cocoon looking thing. Looks slimy. …This is the moment to add in a ‘I’ve seen enough hentai to know where this is going’ comment.
Nah…it’s more like “super-elastic bubble plastic” http://www.retroland.com/super-elastic-bubble-plastic/#.UlYriIash8E